Veneta Cementi is a Facchin Calcestruzzi Group Company operating for more than 50 years in the production and marketing of ready-mixed ready-mixed concrete that currently employs more than 160 people.
Solidity and reliability for every construction.
A bit of history.
The legal representative of Veneta Cementi is one of the founders of the first company to start importing and marketing bulk cement on the same site.
The business was founded in 1987 with the establishment of Finbeton S.r.l. by the will and foresight of a number of entrepreneurs, producers of ready-mixed concrete, operating within the provinces of Padua and Vicenza, realizing the opportunity.
At that time, not only in Italy, there were no similar logistic operations planned, and the start-up of the above type of business of importing and marketing bulk cement, by sea and not by road, as was traditionally the case until then, soon proselytized both in Italy and abroad.
Subsequently, the Titan Cement S.A. Group acquired the shares of the founding partners and later changed the company’s name to Fintitan S.r.l. while continuing the business of importing and selling bulk cement in the Veneto region.
Veneta Cementi recently acquired the same areas used by Fintitan srl at the Marghera industrial area to restart its bulk cement import and marketing business in northern Italy.
The power of cement at the service of your construction
We offer and market high-quality certified products that comply with current regulations and can ensure consistency of production.